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This simulation examines the difficulties of complex products that cannot be produced in just one area of a factory. Many times, there is miscommunication between separate workstations and final assembly, leading to incorrect or defective parts and an increase in scrap and WIP (Work in Progress).
The Lean Zone Sub-Assembly will help your team understand how important synchronized scheduling, cellular design, and visual controls can be in any workplace. The simulation also incorporates quick changeover and one-piece flow and utilizes quality at the source. These lean tools have been used for many years, but you aren't very lean unless your team understands them and incorporates them into your organization. The Sub-Assembly simulation can bridge the gap between ideas and reality in your organization.
The simulation occurs in a fictional helicopter factory where five sub-assemblies are produced in different factory areas. Demand is high, but wasting time, money, and non-value-added activities keeps the factory from meeting customer needs. The simulation shows how to redesign the factory with all five sub-assemblies feeding directly into the final assembly with fully synchronized scheduling. With the help of 7 participants and a little less than 3 hours, you and your team can overcome common problems seen in modern factories and brainstorm ideas for your own.
Overview: Some products are too large or complex to be fully assembled in one work cell, and multiple sub-assemblies must be assembled in a final step. Sub-Assembly demonstrates how to re-design the factory so that all sub-assembly cells feed directly to the final assembly. Synchronized scheduling and one-piece flow reduce both work-in-progress and lead time while increasing throughput.
Main teaching points: Traditional Plant Layout versus Lean Plant Layout, Synchronized Scheduling, OnePiece Flow with a Pull System, Visual Controls, Lead Time Reduction, and Rapid Throughput
Other lean concepts: Cellular Design, Quick Changeover, Point of Use Storage, and Quality at the Source.
What you will need:
A room at least large enough to hold two 36” x 72” tables with one smaller table along the exterior wall and seven chairs. You can adapt the simulation to almost any room and table configuration.
You will need tables in one of the following configurations: one 4’x12’ table, two 4’x6’ tables, or four 30”x6’ tables. You will also need a small table, at minimum 18 " x 3’.
7 participants per kit
2.5-3hrs duration
Box dimensions:
30lbs / 26" x 16" x 14"
14kg / 66cm x 40cm x 36cm