Mike Osterling, President, Osterling Consulting, Inc.
I’ve used the Lean Zone Production Methodologies Airplane simulation more than 200 times over the last 18 years to help clients understand the principles and methods of Lean Management - and I can’t say enough about the effectiveness and impact it has had on them – at all levels of the organization! It is engaging, educational, fun and leaves a positive memorable impression with the participants. The first round of the simulation helps the students recognize and experience waste and opportunities for improvement. The subsequent phases demonstrate a wide variety of Lean methods – and drive home the lesson that sometimes things don’t go as planned – and that with continuous improvement the seemingly impossible can be achieved.
The game is easy for the facilitator to run, and easy for the students to grasp. I have had many clients purchase the game so they can facilitate it with internal resources. I highly recommend Visionary Product’s “Lean Zone Production Methodologies” Airplane Simulation!
Anthony DeMarco, President, Price Systems LLC
Hart Pauls, Assistant General Manager, Westeck Windows & Doors
I held my first demo last week with all upper management as well as the workers. It went great and I received full buy in from everyone.
It’s such a great product and delivers the perfect message.
Thanks for providing such a great training tool.
Cristian Avila Soto, MPI Orica Mining Services
Bill Cardin, President, Cardin Quality Training Associates, Inc.
"I learned a few years ago how effective and how much fun the participants [had with] this exercise (assembling airplanes out of Legos). I was doing a second or third series of lean training sessions for a major automotive supplier that brought in their suppliers from all over the world to teach them the lean approach. Immediately after the exercise, one of the engineers called back to his home office to brag on his team's score on the fourth approach. It seems that his team was not only competing with the other teams in the class but was also competing with a team that had previously completed the class. Their efforts in using lean principles to shave every second off their process time and grasp as much learning as possible in a very short time has made every exercise rewarding to me as a consultant and trainer.
I have recommended this product at international professional conferences. With your permission, I have used it with my lean tutorial sessions for a SME Professional Development Conference in Memphis and an ASQ World Conference in Orlando.
Thank you for helping to make my job look easy!"